Friday, August 19, 2011

What is SEO? | Basics of SEO

basic seo tips for beginners

SEO is the abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization. This is important if you want to increase traffic to your website. Even if you have an awesome website with a very well-phrased sales page, you still won't be earning a single dime if you have no traffic.
Now traffic is of two types:
  1. Free organic traffic
  2. traffic via PPC (pay per click) methods
Now PPC is a risky and a costly way to attract traffic. They are also not very easy to campaign. So what do most beginners and even the veterans of the Internet world do to get traffic? The answer is simple and the very reason you are visiting this blog! Yes you guessed right! its SEO. 
Now if you haven't been in this field for very long you may ask what is SEO or Search Engine Optimization? Search Engine Optimization is the way you can get the search engines like Google to really "Like" your website and put it on the first page of the Google search results. Now there are many ways you can do this, but always beware that any black hat methods you use may land you in trouble with Google and they may penalize you by de-indexing all your hard work from their search results thus taking away traffic from your website.
Stay tuned to this blog to learn more about SEO tips and if you want your website's SEO to be done professionally then please visit 10 Dollar SEO Tips homepage and leave a comment. I will get back to you! 


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